65-th Birthday of Fedor Smirnov
11-13 oct. 2023 Paris (France)


This is going to be a small - but intense - friendly conference bringing together specialists of quantum integrability and its applications, a multi-faceted field of research in constant renewal.

This workshop is organised on the occasion of the 65th birthday of our colleague Fedor Smirnov, on a subject in which he has made his mark.

Organisers : D. Bernard, P. Mitter, J.-B. Zuber


Zoltan Bajnok (Budapest), "CFT 3-point functions from integrability"     
Vladimir Bazhanov (Canberra)  "A distant descendant of the six-vertex model"
Philippe Di Francesco (Saclay and Illinois), "Arctic curves for vertex models"
Volodia Fateev (Montpellier), "Duality and  ''Nice'' Duality in Integrable Field Theories"
Michio Jimbo (Kyoto), "Scientific achievements of Fedor Smirnov"    
Kolya Reshetikhin (Tsinghua and Beijing U.), "Hybrid integrable systems"
Sasha Zamolodchikov (Stony Brook), [annulé]
Here is an updated list of titles and abstracts.
Copies of the slides are available upon clicking on the seminar titles above.
Photos of the speakers and of some of the participants are available here (courtesy of Michel Semenov-Tian-Shansky).


The conference will take place at the Laboratoire de physique des hautes énergies (LPTHE, Sorbonne University), 4 place Jussieu, Tour 13, 75005 Paris, on Wednesday 11, October 2023, and at the Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP), 11 Rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris, on Thursday 12 and Friday 13, October 2023.

Here is how to reach the LPTHE

Here is how to reach the IHP.

The conference will start on the 11th at 9.00 am and will end on the 13th at 1.00 pm.

Because of the limited capacity of the lecture halls, people interested in attending are kindly requested to register (see the registration form on the side). The registration will be closed on October 1rst, 2023.


The poster of the conference can be downloaded here


Photo Fedya 


Wednesday morning @LPTHE : 
9:00 : Opening
9:10-10:20 : M. Jimbo
Break 30'
10:50-11:40 : H. Boos 
11:40-12:30 : F. Göhmann & K. Kozłowski
Lunch @LPTHE
Wednesday afternoon @LPTHE : 
14:00-14:50 : G. Mussardo 
14:50-15:40 : S. Negro 
Break 30'
16:10-17:00 : A. Leclair 
17:00-17:50 : S. Lukyanov
Thursday morning @IHP : 
9:30-10:20 : N. Reshetikhin 
Break 30'
10:50-11:40 : Z. Bajnok 
11:40-12:30 : S. Shatashvili
Lunch @IHP
Thursday afternoon @IHP : 
14:00-14:50 : V. Kazakov 
14:50-15:40 : D. Serban 
Break 30'
16:10-17:00 : K. Kitanine 
17:00-17:50 : 
A. Zamolodchikov [via zoom/CANCELED]
Friday morning @IHP : 
9:00-9:50 : V. Bazhanov [via zoom]
9:50-10:40 : V. Fateev 
Break 30’
11:10-12:00 : Ph. Di Francesco 
12:00-12:50 : L. Takhtajan
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